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Charge the North

Recently, I posted on the number of Teslas registered in Canada, sourced from data provided by FleetCarma. I was given the heads up by Peter during a recent board meeting that FleetCarma also had a ‘Charge the North’ initiative, where FleetCarma is giving away free modules to plug into your EV and provide you analytics on your driving and charging habits.

From the press release:

“In a program launched today called Charge the North, FleetCarma is giving away 1,000 of its palm-sized devices to electric vehicle (EV) owners across Canada, free of charge. The devices, which plug into the onboard diagnostic ports of vehicles, will gather information to help power authorities make sure the right infrastructure is in place as more and more motorists go electric.

Canada’s Ministry of Natural Resources has invested $3.25 million in Charge the North, money set aside in the 2016 federal budget as part of a larger commitment, expanded upon in the 2017 budget, to promote infrastructure for vehicles powered by alternative fuels.”

The modules are shipped free to your home for the first 1000 people signed up, and in exchange for the data that can be used to help design Canada’s EV infrastructure, they give you access to the portal to download all your metrics.

As Tesla owners, we are often technical, statistic based people – so this is a great opportunity to get some of the data we wish we could have from the Tesla app on our cars!

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