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Accelerate Kootenays leading by example

I had an article brought to my attention a few days ago about some great work a collection of communities in BC put together called Accelerate Kootenays.

The goal of the initiative is to connect 40 communities in B.C with 13 DCFC and 40 Level 2 chargers for electric vehicles. Little did I know how far they had come in a very short period of time. When I checked out the site as well as plugshare – they already have 9 out of the 13 DCFC fast chargers installed in communities across eastern B.C. (Orange installed – Red is future installation).

As many of us Alberta Tesla owners enjoy driving out to the west coast, this is great news and provides more options for charging especially in southern B.C where Tesla superchargers are not available.

This is very similar to what we’re trying to do in Alberta with the Southern Alberta EV Charging Network however with a year since its inception we are still awaiting on updates on the request for proposals stage. There also was a recent announcement about Alberta’s first EV charging Corridor but that was only three stations and there hasn’t been much update on the initiative since.

Great to see our neighbors develop this much needed infrastructure in a very short time frame.

Kudos to the organizers of this Accelerate Kootenay’s initiative! I’m sure there are many who will consider visiting some of these communities on their next road trip – this opens more tourism opportunities for EV owners and I’m sure will pay back dividends!

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